Pubdate: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 Source: Houston Chronicle (TX) Copyright: 2000 Houston Chronicle Contact: Viewpoints Editor, P.O. Box 4260 Houston, Texas 77210-4260 Fax: (713) 220-3575 Website: Forum: EX-DRUG AGENT PLEADS GUILTY IN SHOOTING SAN ANTONIO (AP) -- A former drug task force officer has pleaded guilty to shooting an 18-year-old Mexican man in the back as he crossed the Rio Grande last year, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down. Wilbur Honeycutt, who had been assigned to a multiagency Drug Enforcement Administration task force, faces a sentence from seven years to life imprisonment for firing at Abecnego Monje Ortiz. Honeycutt entered the plea before an Eagle Pass judge on Monday to avoid putting Monje Ortiz through the additional hardship of a trial, defense attorney Patrick Filyk told the San Antonio Express-News in today's editions. Monje Ortiz, now 19 years old, was struck between the shoulder blades as he ran through a rural area of Maverick County on Jan. 25, 1999. He had just crossed the river in an inner tube with about 14 other people. Filyk blamed the shooting on the DEA, which he said failed to properly train and supervise his client during his 10-month stint on the border. An agency spokesman declined to comment because of a $15.1 million civil lawsuit filed by the victim's family against the DEA. State District Judge Amado Abascal III will sentence Honeycutt on Nov. 30. The shooting was less than two years after the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Esequiel Hernandez near Redford along the West Texas border. The teen-ager was herding his family's goats when a U.S. Marine in an anti-drug patrol shot him to death. - --- MAP posted-by: GD