Pubdate: Tue, 07 Nov 2000
Source: Jakarta Post (Indonesia)
Copyright: The Jakarta Post
Contact:  P.O. Box 85 Palmerah Jakarta 11001
Fax: (62) (21) 5492685


TANGERANG (JP): A state prosecutor asked on Monday that the Tangerang 
District Court sentence comedian Sudarmadji, better known as Doyok, to 15 
months in jail for the illegal possession and use of 0.5 grams of crystal 
methampethamin (shabu-shabu).

The 41-year-old Doyok should also be given a Rp 1 million fine for the 
offense, said prosecutor Nandi Warsidi, adding that the 15-month sentence 
would take into consideration the four months the defendant had already 
served in detention.

Prosecutor Nandi said the police found the shabu-shabu in Doyok's residence 
in Lippo Karawaci area here on July 20.

"The defendant violated Article 62, Law No. 5/1997 on psychotropic drugs," 
Nandi said.

The contraband was bought at Rp 150,000 through a friend identified as 
Rizal Indra Kresna, who was with the defendant at the Jakarta Opera House 
on July 19, the prosecutor added.

Doyok received the shabu-shabu from Rizal that night.

Rizal is being tried separately for trafficking a total of 2.5 grams of 
shabu-shabu, 0.5 grams of which was bought upon Doyok's request. The 
prosecutor has asked the court to sentence Rizal to two years imprisonment 
for the charges.

The lanky comedian, Doyok, who has been detained since July 21, commented 
to reporters after the court hearing that although he could do nothing 
about the sentence he thought that it was unreasonable.

"That may be better for me. I myself think that the sentence demand is too 
harsh. I just pray that the court might later hand down a lighter verdict," 
said the comedian, who simply smiled in an expression of submission as the 
prosecutor delivered the sentence request.

Doyok, who failed to appear at the previous hearing due to a serious 
illness, told reporters on Monday that he was healthy enough to stand 
trial. He also said that he could enjoy living in the Tangerang 
penitentiary. "It's nice staying there. I have many friends and am getting 
more experience. Contrary to people's belief, living in prison is okay. We 
are fed and given medicine once we fall ill."
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MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens