Pubdate: Wed, 08 Nov 2000
Source: Jakarta Post (Indonesia)
Copyright: The Jakarta Post
Contact:  P.O. Box 85 Palmerah Jakarta 11001
Fax: (62) (21) 5492685


TANGERANG (JP): Rizal Indra Krisna, a friend of comedian Sudarmaji, alias
Doyok, got a 16-month prison sentence on Tuesday for the possession of 2.5
grams of crystal methamphethamine, locally known as shabu-shabu.

Presiding judge Asmyn Simanjuntak said during a hearing at the Tangerang
District Court that the 36-year-old defendant was proven guilty of
unlawfully possessing and consuming the contraband.

In the previous hearing, the prosecutor asked the court to sentence Rizal
to two years for the charges.

According to the judge, the defendant violated Article 62, Law No. 5/1997
on psychotropic drugs.

The judge also fined the father of two Rp 300,000 for the offense.

Rizal was arrested by police at Doyok's residence in Tangerang on July 20
after being found to be in possession of the illegal drug, 0.5 grams of
which he bought to fulfill an order from Doyok.

Doyok is being tried separately by the Tangerang District Court. The
prosecutor asked the court on Monday to sentence him to 15 months.
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MAP posted-by: Eric Ernst