Pubdate: Tue, 14 Nov 2000
Source: Cincinnati Enquirer (OH)
Copyright: 2000 The Cincinnati Enquirer
Author: Sue Kiesewetter


Middletown Coalition Aims To Protect Teen-agers

MIDDLETOWN — This city could become Greater Cincinnati's 18th community to 
form a group dedicated to keeping its youth drug-free.

An organizational meeting for a Coalition for a Drug Free Middletown is 
scheduled for 7 p.m., today in the city commission chambers, One Donham Plaza.

Rhonda Ramsey-Molina, director of the Coalition for a Drug Free Greater 
Cincinnati, will speak with parents, elected officials, school 
representatives, business leaders and others about forming a Middletown 

"The first thing to do is understand the issue on the local level," said 
Ms. Ramsey-Molina. "You have to examine what is (Middletown's) issue. What 
we're looking for are those unwritten messages that say it's OK to use, 
even if our words say it isn't."

A spring survey of 47,256 Greater Cincinnati students in grades 7-12 — more 
than half the students of that age in the region — showed that alcohol, 
cigarettes and marijuana are the drugs of choice, Ms. Ramsey-Molina said.

Half of seniors and 11 percent of seventh-graders said they were regular 
users of alcohol; 36 percent of seniors and 9 percent of sev enth-graders 
smoke cigarettes; and 24 percent of seniors and 6 percent of 
seventh-graders use marijuana, according to survey results.

"It takes a community to create a safe and drug free environment for 
everyone," Ms. Ingram said. "I have a child who's 12 and a child who's a 
college freshman and I want that world (safe and drug free) for my children 
as well as the other children here."

Ms. Ingram's advisory board contacted the Greater Cincinnati coalition 
about forming a Middletown coalition. Representatives from the schools, the 
county prosecutor's office, police and community groups are expected at 
today's meeting.

"The schools approached us but it's the community we appeal to," said Ms. 
Ramsey-Molina said. "We've seen huge reductions (in drug, alcohol and 
cigarette use) when parents talk to kids and when parents set clear and 
consistent rules."
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