Pubdate: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 Source: State Journal-Register (IL) Copyright: 2000 The State Journal-Register Contact: P.O. Box 219, Springfield, IL 62705-0219 Fax: (217) 788-1551 Website: Author: Boyd Holmes FOES OF INDUSTRIAL HEMP NEED TO LEARN FACTS Dear Editor, This is in response to the recent "hemp study" article. Joyce Lohrentz should consider the fact that a person would have to smoke an industrial hemp cigarette the size of a telephone pole just to get a headache. Hemp would certainly help our ailing farm economy, and the farmers know that. Canada already has a huge head start on us, even though several U.S. states are currently growing hemp test plots. Perhaps Joyce Lohrentz and the Illinois Drug Education Alliance should learn the facts about industrial hemp and "educate" the children about actual drugs. Boyd Holmes Decatur - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens