Pubdate: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 Source: Nelson Daily News (CN BC) Contact: Note: Author's name withheld by request Referenced: 'EITHER THE POLICE BELIEVE THIS MISINFORMATION OR THEY ARE DOING IT ON PURPOSE' To the editor: Re: Marijuana candidate puts high school in tough position, NDN Fri. Nov.17/2000 I disagree. After reading the entire article, I believe that it is the police that has put the school and its' students in a tough position. I quote two excerpts from the article to support this statement. Dan Loehndorf plans to contradict the police information on marijuana which he hopes will actually help students make proper choices. "Unfortunately the police are sometimes misinformed about cannabis and other substances" Loehndorf told the Daily News. Then two paragraphs later, in the same article NCP Sgt. Jerry Meyers states: "I tell them (the students) the truth." "The truth is that it's addictive, it's not good for you, it's got 10 times the tar and nicotine that a cigarette has, and from my experience it's a progressant (leads to other drugs). For a young mind it's a dangerous drug. Note: there is no discernable nicotine in marijuana. This misinformation boldly stated in the newspaper reminded me of NCP Sgt. Dan Maluta's pronouncement in the NDN Friday Mar. 5, 1999: "What health practitioner would prescribe marijuana which has some 4,000 toxins and other substances to try and cure or help someone, is beyond me." Sgt. Dan was soundly rebuked by fellow police officer Gil Puder, an Instructor, Criminal Justice Dept. Langara College and Instructor, Justice Institute B.C. Police Academy, in the NDN Mar. 11, 1999 "One copper to another on marijuana laws". Either the police believe this misinformation or they are doing it on purpose. In either case they should not be counseling students. Perhaps drug education should be provided by health care professionals or at the very least people who will tell the truth and know what they are talking about. Aren't we past the "Reefer Madness" fiasco yet? Name withheld by request, Nelson - --- MAP posted-by: Don Beck