Pubdate: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 Source: San Francisco Chronicle (CA) Copyright: 2000 San Francisco Chronicle Contact: 901 Mission St., San Francisco CA 94103 Feedback: Website: Forum: Author: David Kocieniewski, New York Times RACIAL PROFILING TIED TO WAR ON DRUGS New Jersey Officials Say DEA Encouraged Tactic Weaving its way through the 91,000 pages of documents on racial profiling released by New Jersey officials this week is a largely overlooked thread in the national debate on race and crime: Although states like New Jersey have been the most egregious offenders, the textbook on singling out minority drivers was written by the federal government. New Jersey officials argue that the reason racial profiling is a national problem is that it was initiated, and in many ways encouraged, by the federal government's war on drugs. In 1986, the Drug Enforcement Administration's "Operation Pipeline" enlisted police departments across the country to search for narcotics traffickers on major highways and instructed officers, to cite one example, that Latinos and West Indians dominated the drug trade and therefore warranted extra scrutiny. Since then, the DEA and the U.S. Department of Transportation have financed and taught an array of drug interdiction programs that emphasize the ethnic and racial characteristics of narcotics organizations and teach local police how to single out cars and drivers who are likely to be smuggling. Among the characteristics they have trained officers to look for: people wearing dreadlocks and cars with two Latino males traveling together. Federal officials contend they never taught racial profiling and that local departments using discriminatory tactics misapplied the DEA's intelligence reports. Federal officials have taken several steps in recent years intended to measure the problem, most notably President Clinton's 1999 executive order that any police force receiving federal money for drug interdiction must keep track of the race of anyone stopped, searched or arrested by officers. But even the American Civil Liberties Union, a persistent critic of state policies on racial profiling, said much of the blame for the policy falls on the DEA. And in May 1998, as the U.S. Department of Justice was investigating whether the New Jersey State Police needed a federal monitor to oversee the department's efforts to deter profiling, Anthony Senneca, head of the DEA's Newark office, wrote to state police officials to praise the troopers' methods and effectiveness on the turnpike. The letter singled out the exemplary work of five troopers, including John Hogan, who, one month earlier, was involved in the April 1998 shooting of three unarmed minority men on the New Jersey Turnpike, an incident that propelled racial profiling onto the nation's political agenda. David Harris, a University of Toledo law professor who has written extensively about racial profiling, said the DEA had conveyed similar mixed messages across the country. In response to that criticism, the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division reviewed DEA procedures, including the Operation Pipeline training, in 1997, said Kara Peterman, a department spokeswoman. She declined to characterize the findings, but two other federal officials said the department concluded the program was sound and that the DEA did not encourage or teach profiling. New Jersey's attorney general, John Farmer Jr., offered an empathetic interpretation of the department's findings. "In a lot of ways, the Justice Department in Washington has been going through what we in New Jersey went through," Farmer said yesterday. "The troopers in the field were given a mixed message. On one hand, we were training them not to take race into account. On the other hand, all the intelligence featured race and ethnicity prominently. So what is your average road trooper to make of all this?" - --- MAP posted-by: GD