Pubdate: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 Source: Washington Times (DC) Copyright: 2000 News World Communications, Inc. Contact: 202-832-8285 Website: Author: Chris Buors Referenced: DRUG USE IS PERSONAL, NOT PUBLIC PROBLEM I take umbrage with Robert Sharpe, program officer with the Lindesmith Center-Drug Policy Foundation of Washington ("U.S. war on drugs only feeds problems in Colombia," Letters, Dec. 22). Mr. Sharpe recommends that the government treat "all substance abuse - legal or otherwise" as a "public health problem." Public health problems traditionally have been "communicable diseases" like typhoid or tuberculosis that pose an immediate danger to the public. E coli or poor sanitary conditions that could result in a rodent infestation could also be considered "public health" concerns. Drug use is a vice, not a crime or a medical disorder. Drug use is a private health matter. Taking drugs is an act of the will, not something that is "caught" like a disease. By suggesting that private health matters are somehow akin to public health concerns, Mr. Sharpe implicitly approves of the government's prohibitionist interventions. Government should mind their own business. Is excessive drinking in your own home a "public health" concern? Does it cause you harm if your neighbor is privately using drugs? If drug use does not break your leg or pick your pocket, then it should be of no concern to legitimate government. Drug laws are the cause of more crimes than drug use. The government should restore our natural right to drugs. As Thomas Jefferson said in an address to the Virginia State Legislature, "If the state were to control our drugs and our diet then our bodies would be in such keeping as our souls are now." Chris Buors, Winnipeg Manitoba - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D