Pubdate: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 Source: Lubbock Avalanche-Journal (TX) Copyright: 2000 The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal Contact: Website: Forum: Author: Larry Nickerson Related: 'THUMBS UP' TO FATHER I notice the Lockney School District has instituted a policy whereby all Lockney students are to be drug tested. Apparently, in order to give this new policy a more legal appearance, the school board has additionally decreed that all parents must sign a waiver granting permission for the school to do this. Refusal of the parent to sign is automatic grounds for the school to immediately suspend the student as if the student had tested positive. By the way, people who believe this is the way to fight a drug war may find themselves in somewhat of a pickle. For instance, consider that drug testing is not a precise indicator of drug use -- or of the absence of drug use. An error rate in the range of five percent would produce 50 wrong results in a student body of 1,000. Not only that, but the more dangerous drugs such as cocaine and heroin may be detected only for a few days. Marijuana, which has never been implicated in causing an overdose death, may be detected for as long as one month. Well, to the Lockney School Board members, let me suggest that people do not check their rights and their brains at the school door. Thumbs up to real Texans like Larry Tannahill who has the courage to stand up to such outrageous coercion. Larry Nickerson, Fort Worth Via e-mail - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D