Pubdate: Thu, 24 Feb 2000
Source: Register-Guard, The (OR)
Copyright: 2000 The Register-Guard
Contact:  PO Box 10188, Eugene, OR 97440-2188
Author: Andrew Mollison, Cox News Service


WASHINGTON - More than 100,000 applicants for federal college aid in the
coming school year didn't answer a question about whether they had been
convicted recently of drug crimes.

Few of the students were trying to hide a conviction, federal and college
officials said Wednesday. Instead, most applicants who left the answer blank
on their aid applications were confused, they said.

So many skipped the new question that the Education Department has decided
to let colleges promise federal grants or loans to students who didn't
answer it.

Otherwise, the steady flow of billions of dollars in student aid that will
eventually go mostly to colleges and universities could have been imperiled.

Among those who did answer the question, fewer than 1 percent admitted to a
recent conviction for possessing or selling illegal drugs, Education
Department officials said.

A total of 104 questions must be answered on the four-page ``Free
Application for Federal Student Aid,'' which is filled out each year by more
than 8.5 million applicants for $50 billion in federal grants and loans.

The question reads:

``28. If you have never been convicted of any drug offense, enter `1' in the
box and go to question 29. A drug-related conviction does not necessarily
make you ineligible for aid; call 1-800-433-3243 or go to to find out how to fill out this question.''

Calling the toll-free number leads to a voice-mail menu that is supposed to
help the applicant decide whether to write ``1,'' ``2'' or ``3,'' in the
box. At the Web site, applicants can download a worksheet or answer a number
of questions on line.

The department will send a stern letter to those who skipped the question,
telling them that they could be prosecuted if they fail to report a recent
drug conviction, officials said.
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MAP posted-by: Don Beck