Pubdate: Sat, 26 Feb 2000
Source: Cairns Post (Australia)
Copyright: Cairns Post 2000
Contact:  John Berns


IF it is wrong or even illegal to having "shooting galleries", as
reported (24-2-00), why does Australia persist in thinking about
establishing them?

Could it be that the spin-doctors, bleeding hearts and do-gooders have
misled the courts to such an extent that the judges do not even oppose
them for fear of being ridiculed? No other criminals are being
pampered, at such a great expense without result, as have the drug law

No murderer is given the opportunity to taper off by allowing little
murders nor are thieves or rapists allowed to persist in their crimes
with government endorsement.

The time for compassion and feeling sorry for the drug criminals is
long past and the enormous expenditure is to be used for the benefit
of the law abiding members of society who must often wait months for

Many drug users embark on a life of crime to pay for their dirty
habits and do not care for the pain and suffering they cause to the
victims of their actions. Because they are all "volunteers" give them
the punishment for their chosen criminal way that they deserve.

John Berns,
Grove St,
Parramatta Park.
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MAP posted-by: Allan Wilkinson