Pubdate: Sun, 12 Mar 2000 Source: Houston Chronicle (TX) Copyright: 2000 Houston Chronicle Contact: Viewpoints Editor, P.O. Box 4260 Houston, Texas 77210-4260 Fax: (713) 220-3575 Website: Forum: Author: Mark J. Trentalange GOOD MONEY AFTER BAD? In its Feb. 17 editorial, the Chronicle endorsed an additional $1.6 million for the 30-year-old "emergency" in Colombia. Estimated cocaine production there has conveniently and mysteriously doubled at a time when politicians are considering a dramatic increase in military aid. What is even more chilling is that these wildly unreliable figures are being used to justify such enormous sums. They don't have to reveal any clear objectives so long as Washington gives the appearance of being tough on drugs. If these figures are true, the disturbing jump in cocaine production has occurred during a time when spending in Colombia increased to over $300 million, making it the third largest recipient of U.S. aid. Ironically, this very failure is being used to incite hysteria and, hence, support for additional money. Military advisers, large-scale defoliation, helicopter gunships, ill-defined enemies, jungle warfare, rampant corruption, unprepared government troops and manipulated production estimates: Where have we seen this before? What's next? With both left-wing and right-wing factions taxing the drug trade and such dubious estimates, how will we know who to fight and if we've succeeded or failed? What happens when we try to put out fire with gasoline?: More corruption, bloodshed and wasted billions add up to even greater availability of drugs. Until we admit that drug prohibition has never worked and that other approaches such as harm reduction or medical supervision/prescription should be tried, we will deserve mindless and expensive military schemes. Decriminalization would immediately undermine the funding for all parties profiting from drug trafficking. Washington should be told to stop writing checks. Since several of the presidential candidates have had personal and/or family experience with drug use, perhaps our next president will have the character to end this ineffective drug war. - --- MAP posted-by: Don Beck