Pubdate: Tue, 14 Mar 2000
Source: Sydney Morning Herald (Australia)
Copyright: 2000 The Sydney Morning Herald
Contact:  GPO Box 3771, Sydney NSW 2001
Fax: +61-(0)2-9282 3492
Author: David Humphries


Parents whose children are removed from the family home because of
drug-related abuse or neglect will be drug tested as a condition of
retrieving them, under a plan by the Community Services Minister, Mrs
Lo Po'.

Today she will release the report of a special investigation by the
NSW Child Death Review Team, which found that 86 children of
drug-dependent families had died in the State over the past 3 years.

For too long, Mrs Lo Po' said yesterday, authorities had been forced
to accept "hollow promises" of parents to give up drugs. But the
review team's report had reinforced determination not to return
children to dangerous home environments.

She said it "graphically and tragically illustrates" how some parents'
drug use "endangers their child's life".

The stance represents another step in the minister's campaign to
remove children permanently from abusive families that do not mend
their ways. Last month she proposed the adoption of infant state
wards, rather than rounds of foster caring, claiming this would help
reverse the welfare system's emphasis of putting parents' rights ahead
of children's.

Mrs Lo Po' said the review found many drug-addicted parents tried to
beat their habits through detoxification, rehabilitation and methadone
programs, which could take years.

"The report found that some parents can change but not in time to meet
the developmental needs of their children," she said.

"We live in an age where Olympic athletes are drug-tested before they
can receive a gold medal. So why wouldn't we consider testing parents
before they are permitted to keep the most precious prize of all?"

Mrs Lo Po' said she had discussed her plan with the Attorney-General,
Mr Shaw, "and he agreed it should be closely considered".

"I'm not talking about random drug testing for all parents," Mrs Lo
Po' said. "We're talking about drug testing that group of parents who
have already had their children removed because their drug use has led
to child abuse or neglect.

"They need to demonstrate that they have mended their ways before we
can risk returning the children. And drug testing may help in
assessing the risk."

Mrs Lo Po' said details were yet to be worked out, but she would seek
the review team's advice on drug testing and consult a government
working group about to start studying long-term care of children at
risk if returned to their parents.
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MAP posted-by: Allan Wilkinson