Pubdate: Sun, 12 Mar 2000 Source: Toronto Sun (CN ON) Copyright: 2000, Canoe Limited Partnership. Contact: 333 King St. E., Toronto, Ontario M5A 3X5 Canada Fax: (416) 947-3228 Website: Forum: Author: Kathy Galbraith Comment: Parenthetical remark by the Sun editor; headline by newshawk WAKE UP, AND BE PROUD Pity the poor Burnaby. B.C. cops. They bust two marijuana growers a day! Whooee, I sure feel a lot safer in my bed knowing that. Hey, when's the country going to wake up? No poor, innocent plant should be labelled a criminal and not allowed to be freely grown by responsible adults. The Bible says any green-leafed herb is for us to use as we see fit: food, medicine, religion. Growing too. It is not a crime, even if the herb contains a drug mistakenly banned. Growers are close to the earth and God and judges can sense this. Not only that, this quality marijuana, grown with love and care, is making B.C. famous and revered in herbal and alternative medicine circles. Wake up, and be proud. I am a freedom fighter for all herbs. Kathy Galbraith Raymond, Alta. (Only for herbs? The other plants must be green with envy) - --- MAP posted-by: Derek Rea