Pubdate: Sun, 19 Mar 2000 Source: Tulsa World (OK) Copyright: 2000 World Publishing Co. Contact: P.O. Box 1770, Tulsa, OK 74102 Website: Author: Michael Pearson, Coordinator of Drug Policy Forum of Oklahoma METHAMPHETAMINE BATTLE In Julie DelCour's March 12 column, "Methamphetamine," she quotes OSBI spokesperson, Kym Koch, as saying, "We don't see an end to the problem in sight." The Assistant U.S. Attorney Allen Litchfield states, "I'm convinced that this is an epidemic ... the cost to the individual and to society is immense." Adair County Sheriff Charles Hartshorne said, "It's a war, and we're going to win it," after convicting four men, one of them 76 years old. (Three men guilty in drug conspiracy March 3." DelCour even calls it "Battling the plague." Even though we admit that what we are doing is failing and undermining our freedoms and the Constitution, as a nation we cannot contemplate this "plague-epidemic" as a disease. Logic dictates that the best way to stop this disease requires the full use of the medical community for citizens who are addicted and cannot stop regardless of the legal consequences. Chemical poisoning of the brain is as treatable a condition as any other disease. Yet we have decided that we should place our resources on proven ineffectual strategies using force and institutional warehousing at incredible expense and a pittance on treatment. Perhaps, if we can scrounge more money from schools and assistance for the old and the helpless, we can throw more money into the rat-hole and win this civil war we are obviously losing. Michael Pearson, Guthrie - --- MAP posted-by: Doc-Hawk