Pubdate: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 Source: Canberra Times (Australia) Copyright: 2000 Canberra Times Contact: Author: Chris Edwards SUPPLY JUNKIES WITH DRUGS I HAVE the answer to the drug problem in the ACT. We should simply give drugs to junkies on request. This can be done via the methadone clinic at Canberra Hospital and suburban pharmacies. All we do is give the junkies the drugs that the police confiscate from illegal importers, once the drugs are checked for purity. This way we can guarantee the quality of the drugs and make sure the junkies are issued with clean needles if required. This will instantly stop all drug-related crime in this country if adopted nationally. Diseases transmitted by sharing needles could be reduced. Imagine, no more junkies breaking into homes to steal consumer electronics to later sell in order to support their habit. No more smuggling of narcotics into the country. No more junkies dying of overdoses or from impurities in their supply. No more dealers pushing in the streets. The simple ideas are often the best. It would take a brave politician to back this idea, but look at the tangible benefits. Chris Edwards, Pearce - --- MAP posted-by: Doc-Hawk