Pubdate: Sun, 02 Apr 2000 Source: Honolulu Advertiser (HI) Copyright: 2000 The Honolulu Advertiser, a division of Gannett Co. Inc. Contact: P.O. Box 3110 Honolulu, HI 96802 Fax: (808) 525-8037 Website: Author: Adapted from T.R. Reid, Washington Post Foreign Service LAW THAT WAS TOO TOUGH PRODUCED MORE DRUG USE, BRITISH STUDY SAYS LONDON - The 1960s were lively and creative years in Britain, which exported cultural phenomena that caught on around the world - the Beatles, the miniskirt, etc. But the freewheeling decade also had its dark side: an explosion in drug use that, by 1971 meant Britain had nearly 3,000 known drug addicts. The 1971 government report on drug use led to the Misuse of Drugs Act - one of the toughest drug laws in Western Europe, triggering an American-style war on drugs. The result? Over the three decades since the law was passed, drug offenses have risen tenfold. The number of known addicts now tops 43,000. To figure out why the law failed to meet its goals, the national Police Foundation set up a blue-ribbon commission of police officers, academics and politicians to conduct a two-year study of British drug policy.A0 The group's report, "Drugs and the Law," came out this week and concluded that the 1971 law is actually too tough, at least on such "soft" drugs as marijuana, LSD and ecstasy. "The present law," the commission concluded, "produces more harm than it prevents." Most drug crimes in Britain involve marijuana - about 80,000 of the 115,000 drug cases each year. But polls show that most Britons consider marijuana - or "cannabis," as it is known here - less dangerous than tobacco. The tough stance on marijuana, therefore, has made people distrust drug laws in general because it focuses on a drug they don't think is dangerous, thus undermining "credibility, respect for law and the police, and accurate education messages," the study says. The commission concluded that Britain should move away from the U.S. model of tougher enforcement and longer prison sentences and move instead in the direction of other democracies in Western Europe, where possession of many drugs and hallucinogens has been decriminalized. In most of Western Europe, use of marijuana or LSD draws a fine, like a parking ticket. "Depenalizing cannabis in Britain would reflect practice in Spain, Italy, Portugal, much of Scandinavia, most German [states] ... and Holland," said Simon Jenkins, a columnist for the Times of London and a member of the commission. Jenkins added that all of those countries, "have lower consumption rates than Britain." The commission also said police should focus their efforts on people who use and sell cocaine and heroin, the most dangerous drugs. It said that mere possession of marijuana, ecstasy, LSD, barbiturates and amphetamines no longer should draw a jail term. About 90 percent of the drug convictions here each year are for possession, the report said, because users generally are easier to catch than traffickers. The commission also compared two legal substances, alcohol and tobacco, against a range of illegal drugs in terms of health risks, and concluded that both alcohol and tobacco are more dangerous than marijuana. For all the work that went into the study, however, it may turn out to be just another blue-ribbon report that is shelved. British Home Secretary Jack Straw said he did not agree that reducing penalties for possession would alleviate the nation's drug problem. The best way to fight drug use, Straw said, is to "maintain firm controls." He added that he had "no intention" of changing the 1971 law. - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D