Pubdate: Sun, 02 Apr 2000 Source: Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (AR) Copyright: 2000 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. Contact: 121 East Capitol Avenue, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72201 Website: Forum: Author: Bob Betzold Note: See for more info about Libertarians WHAT THE LIBERTARIANS REPRESENT We know the Democrats and Republicans and a few third parties. But we hear little about the Libertarians, the only party offering to actually improve people's lives. So who are the Libertarians? Libertarians want a society based on individual freedom and personal responsibility. They oppose the initiation of force to achieve any political or social goal. They believe the government should be defined by, empowered by and constrained by the Constitution. And they believe a free market economy is the best way to achieve efficiency and equity in the marketplace. The Republicans and Democrats try to solve every social and economic problem through legislation and taxation. It doesn't work. They measure their power by how much money and how many lives they control. And their power grows every day. How far will we let them go? The Libertarians want to give you back your life and your money. Harry Browne, the likely Libertarian presidential candidate, promises to end the income tax, abolish the IRS and reduce the size of the federal government to that prescribed by the Constitution. He wants to end the failing Social Security program after providing for those who depend on it. And he vows to end the "war on drugs" that has brought crime into our schools and neighborhoods; filled our jails with so many non-violent drug offenders that we are releasing violent criminals early to make room for them; created an international epidemic of crime funded by drug profits; and which threatens to drag American troops into civil wars in places like Colombia. Bob Betzold, Cabot - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D