Pubdate: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 Source: San Francisco Examiner (CA) Copyright: 2000 San Francisco Examiner Contact: Forum: Author: Tom O'Connell FAILED DRUG POLICY IS NO REASON TO INTENSIFY COLOMBIA WAR Beyond the simple fact that the current insurgency predates Colombia's criminal drug industry, there are many reasons for questioning U.S. drug czar Barry McCaffrey's premise that massive military spending in Colombia will reduce the flow of drugs into the United States. Yet McCaffrey, who heads the White House Office of National Drug Policy, is lobbying for $1.7 billion mainly to attack leftist guerrillas. A U.S.-inspired treaty globalized criminal drug markets in the '60. Their size and influence were increased after President Nixon declared "war" on drugs in the '70. The Soviet collapse and globalization of trade have stimulated further growth to where criminal drug markets now corrupt whole nations and threaten regional stability around the world. Cocaine flowing from destitute Andean nations through a troubled Mexico to the United States and heroin from Afghanistan/Pakistan through Kosovo into Western Europe are but two examples. That drug revenues arm insurgencies and repressions alike has been documented repeatedly: in Burma, Vietnam, Central America and Afghanistan. American experience with alcohol prohibition showed that the only "control" of a criminal market is to put it out of business by ending the ban that created it. Although our present political atmosphere won't permit this logic to be articulated by anyone seeking political office, one hopes the U.S. Senate won't see our failed drug policy as a valid reason to intensify Colombia's war. Even if they run true to form and approve Gen. McCaffrey's proposal, there's a chance the ensuing humanitarian disaster may provoke rethinking of our destructive drug policy. That may be the best that reasonable people can hope for. Tom O'Connell, San Mateo - --- MAP posted-by: Don Beck