Pubdate: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 Source: Colchester Evening Gazette (UK) Contact: 43-44 North Hill, Colchester, Essex CO1 1TZ Fax: 01206 508295 Feedback: Website: Author: Tom Hewitt I'M AGAINST CREEPS WHO PREY ON YOUNG With regard to my comments on zero tolerance, why does Don Barnard (post bag, April 11) confuse the issue by bringing into his argument the possible medical use of cannabis? As he notes, I didn't mention it, and I m happy to await the outcome of current research. My remarks were concerned with the illegal supply of lethal and highly addictive drugs like those that slowly killed my brother. Put simply' I don't want anybody in my town to have to live in a neighbourhood in which seedy creeps living on the fringes of gansterdom feel free to sell crack or smack to teenagers, and thereby entrap them into a life of misery and early death. If that seems enlightened, I can live with it. Tom Hewitt, Allectus Way Witham. Essex - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D