Pubdate: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 Source: Daily Record and Sunday Mail (UK) Copyright: 2000 Daily Record and Sunday Mail Ltd. Contact: Anderston Quay, Glasgow, Scotland, G3 8DA Website: JUDGE BACKS DRUG COURTS A CANADIAN judge has called on the Scottish Executive to set up special drug courts for addicts who steal to feed their habit. The courts, already running in America and Canada, deal with non-violent drug offenders and use rehabilitation instead of prison as punishment. Judge Paul Bentley told a conference at the National Police College in Tulliallan, Clackmannanshire, that they had already been a success. He added: "We are very encouraged. Our first year assessment showed three quarters of those in the programme have not committed another crime, are drug free and have found a stable home and full-time job. "I think it would an option the Scottish Executive might want to consider." - --- MAP posted-by: Derek Rea