Pubdate: Sat, 29 Apr 2000
Source: Irish Examiner (Ireland)
Copyright: Examiner Publications Ltd, 2000
Section: Opinion


THE high level of co operation at international level in the fight against 
drugs witnessed at a major police conference being held in Dublin is to be 
warmly welcomed in view of the growing incidence of addiction among young 
Irish people.

As an integral part of the world wide fight against crime, six police 
forces have combined their resources in a bid to combat the so called drug 
barons who ply their evil trade on the streets of Europe's towns and cities.

Ever since the garda crackdown on their activities in the wake of the 
murder of Veronica Guerin, Ireland's major drug dealers have moved their 
operations to mainland Europe. But they have not gone away. It would be 
foolish to pretend their tentacles no longer reach deep into Irish society. 
Despite arrests involving millions of pounds worth of drugs, they remain 
firmly in control of the flow of ecstasy, cocaine, hashish and heroin still 
reaching this country.

Co operation of the kind demonstrated in the police conference is vital if 
the drug barons are to be defeated.

But it is at street level that the crisis of poverty and human despair 
which lead to addiction must be tackled. In this regard the drug prevention 
project launched by President McAleese on behalf of the Simon Community in 
Cork is a laudable initiative.

Based on a policy of early intervention, the project will offer help and 
support to young addicts.
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart