Pubdate: Mon, 01 May 2000
Source: Ft. Worth Star-Telegram (TX)
Copyright: 2000 Star-Telegram, Fort Worth, Texas
Author:  Yancy Nash


Columnist Cal Thomas and several letter writers seemed to be quite
astir over April 22's several-weeks-belated action by the Justice Department.

On the subject of where the child belongs, several fathers I've spoken
with share the same opinion. In like circumstances, they would fight
for possession of their children. (No rocket science here!)

On the subject of the Nazi-style raid by "jackbooted government
thugs," it's been going on every day for the last 20 years in this
country under the guise of the "drug war" -- the main difference being
that sometimes people are killed trying to protect their property.

No one was killed in Miami, or even seriously injured. So why all the
clamor? A kid was killed in an ill-advised (as usual) drug raid in
Bedford recently with nowhere this much public outcry.

Although I agree with these letter writers that something is
drastically, fundamentally wrong with today's Gestapo police tactics,
the aforementioned situation suggests that our public priorities for
getting up in arms might need just a bit of reviewing.

Yancy Nash
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