Pubdate: Sat,  06 May 2000
Source: Palm Beach Post (FL)
Copyright: 2000, The Palm Beach Post
Author: Molly Hennessy-Fiske, Palm Beach Post Staff Writer, ST. LUCIE COUNTY SHERIFF'S SERGEANT SUES TO GET HIS JOB BACK AFTER 

FORT PIERCE -- A St. Lucie County sheriff's sergeant who was fired in 
November after a positive drug test filed suit to appeal the firing.

In a complaint filed March 9, former Sgt. Dennis Bernas, 48, criticized the 
Career Service Appeals Board that considered an appeal of his firing Feb. 4 
and demanded a new hearing.

He alleged in the complaint that the board of five deputies made its 
decision based on an inaccurate drug test, refused to discipline other 
deputies for similar test results and failed to document its deliberations.

Bernas maintained during the hearing that he tested positive because of 
prescription pain medication his brother gave him the day before the test.

The board upheld Bernas' firing by a vote of 3-1. Bernas had earlier sued 
the department and won his job back, plus a $25,000 settlement after he was 
demoted for using excessive force during a 1993 traffic stop.
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