Pubdate: Tue, 09 May 2000
Source: Press, The (New Zealand)
Copyright: 2000 The Christchurch Press Company Ltd.
Contact:  Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand
Fax: +64-3-364-8238
Author: S. Chard


Sir-Like Allen Mourton (May 5), I too have heard Nandor speak and he
did not do a very good job of it. Nandor, it appears, is a politician
with only one agenda, promoting the legalised use of cannabis.

I have a daughter at intermediate school who has just been introduced
to the Dare programme. For this I am pleased. Next year she will
attend Riccarton High where the principal will not subject her to
Nandor's contentious views. For this I am also pleased.

It is yet to be proven to me that legalising cannabis will have
benefits to the community. That alcohol is legal is not a reason to
change legislation.

As long as my child is a child I, with the help of her schools, will
unashamedly guide and direct her thinking. The signposts do not point
in Nandor's direction.

May 6, 2000
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MAP posted-by: Greg