Pubdate: Thu, 11 May 2000 Source: Ft. Worth Star-Telegram (TX) Copyright: 2000 Star-Telegram, Fort Worth, Texas Contact: Forum: Author: Joe A. Moake WHERE'S THE OUTRAGE? The law-and-order Republican crowd has expressed outrage about the use of an excessive show of force in the Elian Gonzalez raid, and rightfully so. One cannot help but wonder, though, where this crowd's outrage is in the many other cases when, as a matter of routine, law officers (dressed in military-style combat gear, carrying combat assault weapons and using military combat tactics) kick down doors in the middle of the night without knocking, scream at the top of their lungs, threaten occupants with death, destroy property and conduct a house-wrecking search, and then find nothing illegal on the property. Any resistance to this sort of invasion can lead to instant death. Do I detect a note of hypocrisy here, or is it just politics? Joe A. Moake, Bedford - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D