Pubdate: Tue, 09 May 2000
Source: Irish Examiner (Ireland)
Copyright: Examiner Publications Ltd, 2000


Dublin city coroner Dr Brian Farrell has said the use of heroin has reached 
epidemic proportions in the city after he heard six inquests involving its 
use at the Coroner's Court yesterday.

In one inquest, he heard that a man who arrived home in an agitated state 
fell from a fifth-floor balcony in Ballymun, Dublin, a short time after he 
left his apartment to take his dogs for a walk.

Ms Catherine Joyce told the inquest how she tried to hang on to her 
partner, Larry O'Toole jnr, after he called to her and she found him 
hanging from the balcony outside their flat about 4.30 a.m. last September 

The previous evening she had bought a naggin of vodka, a can of Red Bull 
and three cans of cider for him and left him drinking with friends. When he 
returned home he was very agitated and left the apartment with his dogs. 
Minutes later she heard him call and, despite her efforts to save him, he 
fell five floors.

A post-mortem examination showed he died of multiple injuries, and a 
toxicological analysis showed alcohol, methadone, heroin, benzo-diazophines 
and tricyclic drugs in his system at the time of his death.

Anthony Green (20), North Circular Road, Dublin, was found collapsed by his 
brother in their flat on July 15th last. Both had taken heroin which Mr 
Kevin Green felt produced an unusual reaction. A post-mortem gave the cause 
of his death as heroin intoxication.

Barry Sheridan (31), South Main Street, Wexford, and Clarence Mangan Road, 
Dublin, was found by his stepmother collapsed in a bedroom at home on 
November 12th, 1999. He was due to report to Kevin Street Garda station and 
to serve a short prison sentence for nonpayment of parking fines later that 

The inquest heard that Mr Sheridan answered the door to an unknown caller a 
short time before his death of a heroin overdose.

Paul Gencer (20), an only child, Balcurris Road, Ballymun, was found in a 
toilet at the Irish Film Centre, Eustace Street, on August 23rd last. A 
post-mortem showed his death was due to respiratory depression caused by 
lethal levels of heroin and ecstasy.

Kevin Mulvaney (30), Bunting Road, Walkinstown, was found dead in a disused 
Salvation Ar my shelter at St Brendan's Hospital, Grangegorman, last 
November 27th. He had been seen by his family the previous day. He also 
died of a heroin overdose.

Henry Arnold (47), Clougheen Road, Ballyfermot, was found in a vacant lot 
at Spitalfields on June 2nd, 1999. His death was due to an overdose of 
heroin in the presence of alcohol.

The coroner recorded a verdict of misadventure in each case and in the case 
of Mr Arnold formally adjourned the conclusion of the inquest to Friday to 
allow his estranged wife to be notified of the proceedings.
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MAP posted-by: Jo-D