Pubdate: Tue, 16 May 2000
Source: Star (Malaysia)
Copyright: 2000 Star Publications (Malaysia) Bhd.
Contact:  13 Jalan 13/6, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Author: Foong Pek Yee
Note: Discussion about ecstasy halfway thru


KUALA LUMPUR: The MCA has set up a committee to tackle rising social-ills 
among youths, particularly drug abuse. Committee chairman Datuk Chor Chee 
Heung said the problems included taking Ecstasy pills and gambling.

He said a recommendation would be submitted to the party for consideration 
in four months' time.

Chor, who is Deputy Home Minister, said it would take a hands-on approach 
to get to the root of the problems.

He said the committee would be represented by the Youth and Wanita movement 
besides state representatives.

Transport Ministry parliamentary secretary Donald Lim Siang Chai and 
Energy, Communications and Multimedia Deputy Minister Datuk Tan Chai Ho 
were roped in as advisers, Chor told reporters after the MCA presidential 
council meeting here yesterday.

Chor said the committee would identify specific areas and conduct 
investigations to understand the nature of the problems.

He said targeted areas include big towns where such problems were more serious.

Last week, MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Ling Liong Sik said that party 
leaders should go to places like pubs and discos to get a first hand look 
at problems among the youth.

This came in the wake of wide coverage and commentaries in Chinese papers 
recently on the increase in social problems among Chinese youths.

Police, meanwhile, denied a foreign wire report that Malaysia had still not 
detected the source of supply of Ecstasy pills or centres producing 
hallucinogenic pills in the country.

Bukit Aman public relations officer Supt Benjamin Hasbie said the Narcotics 
Department's records showed it had always been sensitive to drug 
distribution in the country.

The foreign news agency's report on April 28 was inaccurate and confusing, 
portraying a negative perception to police efforts to cut the supply of 
Ecstasy pills into the country, he said in a statement.

According to Bernama, Supt Hasbie said Bukit Aman and state Narcotics 
Departments had made several arrests and raided premises processing Ecstasy 
pills throughout last year and early this year.
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart