Pubdate: Sun, 21 May 2000
Source: Times-News, The (ID)
Copyright: 2000 Magic Valley Newspapers
Contact:  P.O. Box 548, Twin Falls, ID 83303
Fax: (208) 734-553
Author: Ray M. Koyle


Having served in the military police following a tour of duty in
Vietnam, the Cassia County sheriff campaign issues of training, drug
prevention and program funding hold particular interest to me. It is
encouraging to see four primary candidates with the desire to serve
our county. One of these candidates has all of the credentials to be
an excellent sheriff.

Dennis Dexter is committed to the highest standards of personnel and
departmental training. He has amassed 3,023 hours of personal training
through the Idaho POST Academy and is a recipient of that council's
executive certificate. He is one class away from obtaining a college
degree in management.

As the director of the joint county adult detention facility, Dexter
challenges his staff to participate in twice the annual training
mandated by the Idaho Jail Standards. This candidate helped establish
the Scuba Dive Team program in Cassia County. Dexter was an initial
member of the Tactical Team, receiving FBI "Sniper" training. These
are just a few of the many examples of his commitment to training.

Drugs have had a devastating impact on our society. Today's drugs are
easier to get and more addictive. As a patrolman and detective, Dexter
has been actively involved in the protection of our area from drug
importation and manufacturing. Dexter was the first co-coordinator,
with Howard Elliot of the Twin Falls city police, in the initiation of
the Magic Valley Drug Task Force that included the law enforcement of
six cities and four counties. Coordinating with the Idaho Bureau of
Narcotics and the U.S. attorney's office, this task force obtained
convictions of area residents that was then labeled as "the state's
biggest cocaine haul." As the detective commander, Dexter supported
his lead detectives in a tri-state effort that netted the confiscation
and destruction of more than 2,500 marijuana plants during 1986 alone.

Finally, may I mention money? As the director of the joint detention
facility, Dexter has been very aggressive in finding inmates from
other jurisdictions to be housed in the Mini-Cassia facility. The
resulting annual revenue averages between $800,000 and $1 million,
amounting to almost two-thirds of the facility's annual budget.

Cassia County has the need for progressive leadership. We have a
dedicated, progressive leader in Dennis Dexter. May we have pride in
our community by having the integrity to study the qualifications of
the candidates and the guts to vote on May 23.


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