Pubdate: Sun, 21 May 2000
Source: Calgary Sun, The (CN AB)
Copyright: 2000 The Calgary Sun
Contact:  2615 12 Street N.E., Calgary, Alberta T2E 7W9
Fax: (403) 250-4180
Author: Nadia Moharib, Calgary Sun


There's no Ecstasy in the danger people court by indulging in the
potentially lethal popular party drug known as "E," warns a Calgary
liver specialist.

"I haven't seen any kids with acute liver failure due to Ecstasy but I
expect that may change," said University of Calgary hepatologist Dr.
Sam Lee.

"Raves seem to be getting more popular.

"Teenage kids and young adults seem to have no sense of danger about
this. They think they can do anything to their bodies."

That's what Winnipeg teen Kory Kirouac thought when he took a quick
hit of "E" last New Year's Eve. It nearly killed him.

He had an emergency liver transplant but will forever be at risk of

"He was just like every other kid. He assumed it was fine to take
Ecstasy. Unfortunately his body didn't tolerate it," his doctor, Kelly
Kaita, said yesterday.

"Kory is spreading the word (at Manitoba schools) he is grateful to be
alive. He's never going to lead a perfectly normal life again."

"It's become very popular," said Kaita, who fears others will make the
same mistake of taking Ecstasy. "It's touted as being entirely
harmless and used by everyone.

"No one talks about the complications. That's my concern. More and
more innocent kids are going to rave parties and taking this."
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MAP posted-by: Derek Rea