Pubdate: Tue, 23 May 2000 Source: The Media Awareness Project of DrugSense Website: Note: The below is a report from the undersigned - not a news clipping. In part two, hopefully out on the weekend, I will provide my own overview of the conference. - Richard Lake THE DPF CONFERENCE (PART 1 OF 2) - THANK YOU! The 13th International Conference on Drug Policy Reform, just completed, was an outstanding success! Thank you, Kerry Hopkins, Anne Dever, Ruth Lampe, and all the others of the Drug Policy Foundation for all that you did to make it possible. And a big Thank You to all the conference speakers - You are the reason we attend! - listed in the program at: MAP/DrugSense was well represented by board members Mark Greer, Thomas J. O'Connell, M.D. , Kendra Wright and Nora Callahan. Plus Matt Elrod, Webmaster; Richard Lake, Senior News Editor; Jo-D Dunbar, Membership Director; and Mark Petersen, E-mail List Manager. And Editors John Chase and Eric Ernst. Plus many, many newshawks and LTE writers. And hundreds of folks who use the MAP news clipping service. The several hundred folks attending the session on the internet were asked if they used the MAP/DrugSense services. Over 95% of the folks stood up! Again, like last year, each of us who attended were constantly being told by activists how valuable our volunteer work for MAP/DrugSense was to them personally, and to the drug policy reform effort. It really lifts the spirit to know our efforts count! Thank you to each and every one of you who took the time to say so many kind words about our work! Folks were busy throughout the conference recording each session for, we were told, video for the 'net. If anyone has more details as to when and where the conference will be placed on line, please drop me a note so that we can help get the word out. Without a doubt, there will be many sessions that activists could not attend would like to see. I know that there are workshops I missed while attending others that I would love to be able to view. Richard Editor; DrugNews-Digest More than 37,391 Drug-Related News Clippings in a powerful searchable database! DrugSense is working to encourage accuracy, honesty, and common sense in matters involving the failed, expensive, and destructive "War on Drugs." Get Involved - Learn about the Issues Contribute - Help us Help Reform Find Information - Learn how to Make a Difference - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake