Pubdate: Fri, 26 May 2000
Source: Irish Examiner (Ireland)
Copyright: Examiner Publications Ltd, 2000
Bookmark: additional articles on Heroin may be found at


An unexplained severe illness may be responsible for the deaths of seven 
heroin users since the beginning of this month.

A total of 14 addicts have been admitted to hospitals in Dublin with the 
mystery illness since May 1.

The cases all appear to be similar to the recent Glasgow cluster of heroin 
deaths believed to be caused by contaminated heroin.

The ERHA's department of public health wants to establish if the cases 
share common risks and to determine the cause of the illness.

The authority is also working with gardai and linking with the National 
Disease Surveillance centre in Dublin and the Scottish authorities to probe 
any potential connections between the cases.

Heroin users who notice an abscess or significant redness or swelling at an 
injection site are urged to seek medical help immediately. They are also 
being advised to seek immediate medical help if they develop any unusual or 
unexpected effects or illness.
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