Pubdate: Fri,  2 Jun 2000
Source: Herald, The (UK)
Copyright: 2000 The Herald
Contact:  195 Albion Street Glasgow G1 1QP
Fax: +44 (0)141 302 7809
Author: Brian Donnelly


THE menace of crack cocaine is spreading to every Scottish city, with 
police intelligence sources suggesting it is now being manufactured in this 

The drug, which is said to be instantly addictive and can send users into 
uncontrollable fits of violent rage, has been found in Edinburgh for the 
first time.

While previous indications were that crack is mainly imported following the 
seizure in Grampian of an 18,000 UKP shipment last year, detectives in 
Edinburgh now believe crude and potentially dangerous processes are being 
used to produce the rock-like cocaine derivative in the capital. The head 
of Lothian and Borders drugs squad, Detective Chief Inspector Ian Ross, 
said that while seizures have not been significant so far, they do indicate 
that smoking crack cocaine may be the next narcotic trend.

He said: "Drugs can change generally like the fashion scene, the popularity 
moves from one to the other.

"The amount of seizures of crack, while perhaps not statistically 
significant, would tend to indicate that its use is increasing."

A single unit of the drug, which is made by cooking cocaine with other 
ingredients such as ammonia and baking soda, sells for around 50 UKP, and 
produces an intense but short-lived euphoric rush.
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