Pubdate: Fri, 2 Jun 2000 Source: Daily Record and Sunday Mail (UK) Copyright: 2000 Daily Record and Sunday Mail Ltd. Contact: Anderston Quay, Glasgow, Scotland, G3 8DA Website: I'LL CRACK DOWN ON THE DEALERS THE boss of Scotland's new drug busting agency yesterday vowed to smash organised drugs crime. Former Strathclyde Assistant Chief Constable Jim Orr has been appointed Director of the Scottish Drug Enforcement Agency. At the official launch of the Paisley-based agency, the Pounds 88,000-a-year director said: "There have been 44 deaths in Strathclyde this year and 71 in total throughout Scotland and that is of great concern to us. "Addicts are playing Russian roulette because they don't know what they are injecting into their veins. The strength can be 20, 40 or even as high as 60 per cent. "Dealers don't care what they give their customers, they are only interested in the business of profit." The agency is being manned by 100 officers from all over Scotland, who have been replaced in their own forces by 100 newly recruited officers. It has a Pounds 10million budget spread over two years. Mr Orr, 51, appealed to the public to help put the dealers behind bars. He said: "With the help of the public, even anonymously, we will make a difference. Information is the life blood of this agency." Strathclyde Chief Constable John Orr said: "The eight Chief Constables in Scotland are very supportive of this agancy, but information is vital. Director Orr added: "Our primary focus will be on arrests, disruptions and seizure of assets." - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D