Pubdate: Sun, 4 Jun 2000 Source: Daily Record and Sunday Mail (UK) Copyright: 2000 Daily Record and Sunday Mail Ltd. Contact: Anderston Quay, Glasgow, Scotland, G3 8DA Website: DEALERS USE LOTTO TICKETS TO CONCEAL DRUGS STASH Drug dealers in Scotland are using the National Lottery to boost their profits. Thousands of blank lotto forms are being stolen from shops to wrap up heroin deals. Dealers think police are less likely to find the drugs during raids if they are hidden in the tickets - often found lying around in houses. Now a warning has now gone out from the National Criminal Intelligence Service to all Scots forces to be aware of the scam. The problem is so widespread that Camelot and retailers could be forced to install CCTV at some busy ticket-points. Some traders report scores of forms going missing every day. Recently, an 11-year-old boy was found with Pounds 500 worth of heroin at Craigton Primary school in Govan, Glasgow. The drugs were in Pounds 10 wraps in lottery forms and tucked into his gym shoes. One pupil was treated in hospital after tasting the powder. In another recent incident, police found Pounds 400 worth of heroin wrapped in the tickets, and stashed in a flat in Pollok. Lotto forms are also being used to wrap drugs like cannabis and speed. A Camelot spokesperson in London said: "We urge shopkeepers to be on their guard. "Obviously, if the problem spreads we'll have to look at measures to stop the thieves." A Strathclyde Police spokesman added: "We are aware that dealers are using tickets to wrap up drugs. "The tickets are non-porous and easy to get hold off. To the street dealer, they are ideal for packaging drugs." - --- MAP posted-by: Allan Wilkinson