Pubdate: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 Source: Daily Record and Sunday Mail (UK) Copyright: 2000 Daily Record and Sunday Mail Ltd. Contact: Anderston Quay, Glasgow, Scotland, G3 8DA Website: HOW DRUG DESTROYS LIVES COCAINE kills one person every two weeks in Britain but ruins thousands more lives every year. Disfiguring injuries like Danniella's are only one of its effects. It also causes extreme paranoia, loss of sleep and appetite, fatigue, depression and anxiety. The more addicts get, the more they need, until the drug robs them of the ability to live their lives. Its high street price also means crippling financial problems, with some addicts spending up to pounds 400 per day. John Taylor, a psychiatrist at Glasgow's Southern General Hospital, said: "People take cocaine to get energy, feel confident and party all night. But it's very, very addictive. You don't get cold turkey symptoms like coming off heroin but you feel depressed coming off it and need more to feel good again. "You also don't eat or sleep properly so you don't get proper nourishment and your whole body becomes run down." Cocaine costs around pounds 50 per gram and the worst addicts can get through more than five grams a day. Users tend to be in the 20-40 age group and about 60 per cent are men. Figures show one in 10 young people between the ages of 20 and 24 have tried it. About 20 people die directly from cocaine use every year. Dr Taylor said: "The people I've treated recently have been businessmen spending massive amounts on coke and running up huge debts. "People have told me they are spending pounds 300 to pounds 400 a day. "It's difficult to kick because they still have the craving even though they may stay off it for long periods. "Sometimes we give them anti-depressants like Prozac to reduce the craving but it doesn't always help. People miss the buzz." - --- MAP posted-by: greg