Pubdate: Sun, 11 Jun 2000
Source: Sun Herald (Australia)
Copyright: 2000 John Fairfax Holdings Ltd
Author: Frank Walker


THE extreme Right and the extreme Left of politics will unite this
week to attack the planned heroin injecting room trial in Kings Cross.

Arch-conservative Christian Democrat MP Fred Nile has enlisted the
support of left-wing Swedish Green, MaLou Lindholm to tell his own
"drug summit" that the NSW trial, due to start in October, will not

Ms Lindholm, a former Green MP in the European Parliament, said Sweden
had learnt from experience that liberal drug laws led to more people
getting hooked.

After skyrocketing numbers of addicts and drug deaths, Sweden had done
a turnaround, giving a police "rave squad" powers to raid parties and
test anyone suspected of drugs.

"The injecting room trial is totally mad," she said.

Ms Lindholm and Swedish drug expert Borje Dahl have been brought to
Sydney to address Mr Nile's anti-drugs seminar in the Parliament House
theatrette from Tuesday to Thursday.

NSW Green MP Ian Cohen said the Swedish Greens were on their own over
their tough stand on drugs.

"It is odd to see the Greens of any type together with Fred Nile." he
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake