Pubdate: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 Source: Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) Copyright: 2000 The Sydney Morning Herald Contact: GPO Box 3771, Sydney NSW 2001 Fax: +61-(0)2-9282 3492 Website: Forum: Author: Peter Maresch Note: Headline supplied by newshawk NO LOGICAL ARGUMENT AGAINST TOUGHER LAWS It seems to me that those in favour of "safe" injecting rooms either have an axe to grind (eg, from the Council for Civil Liberties) or are part of the touchy-feely, no-law-is-good-law brigade. Let's face it. Sydney and Melbourne are experiencing the highest rate of crime in their history, largely due to the drug trade. Softening our attitudes to the problem cannot possibly save lives or lessen crime. Giving people a place where they can legally use narcotics removes one of the few deterrents to drug use. If we opened more pubs would we assume alcohol consumption would decline? If we opened parks for dogs, would fewer owners be inclined to walk their pups? If there were "speeding lanes" on our freeways, would the traffic move more slowly? There is no logical argument against tightening law enforcement on drugs. This is one issue we can't afford to leave to the bleeding hearts. Peter Maresch, Lane Cove. - --- MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart