Pubdate: Wed, 21 Jun 2000
Source: Idaho State Journal (ID)
Copyright: 2000 Idaho State Journal
Contact:  PO Box 431, Pocatello ID 83204
Fax: 208-233-8007


We've congratulated local law enforcement before on their work to
clear the community of the drug trade that has developed here. Now
it's time to go a step further.

They need the backing of community- and family-minded residents.
Bannock County sheriff's deputies once again are to be commended for
the recent discovery of a carload of marijuana making its way to
Pocatello. The discouraging news is that, according to Sheriff Lorin
Nielsen, Pocatello, in addition to being the Gateway to the Pacific
Northwest, is developing as a drug thoroughfare with millions of
dollars in illegal substances passing through the intersection of
interstates 86 and 15. With this in mind, Nielsen and his deputies
have been particularly steadfast in patrolling the county's highways,
particularly its interstate highways. But that's not all.

It's important to note that drugs aren't just arriving in our
community from the outside - over the last several months, dozens of
local methamphetamine labs have been discovered right in our midst. We
urge law enforcement agencies to keep the pressure on both our
highways and on the criminals in our own neighborhoods too consumed by
greed to realize the damage they're doing to our community. And that's
where local cooperation comes into play.

Drug use in our city, particularly among our young people, has become
a very real concern to parents, friends and neighbors. While police
often are able to nab drug users and manufacturers, it's up to the
citizens of Pocatello to put an end to the consumer demand.

The first step has to include parents. We need to communicate the
dangers of drugs to our children. We need to let them know that we
support them and that we understand the difficult decisions that
accompany adolescence. We need to let them know that we'll be there
for them, available to talk about anything, even drugs.

It's also our duty to be a bit nosy and cautious when it comes to
their activities, and to the activity in our neighborhoods.

The Journal will feature a story this coming Sunday about the action
taken in one Pocatello neighborhood, where crime and drugs were taking
control. Due to the action of citizens, that neighborhood is making a

It can be done, with a diligent police community and involved
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MAP posted-by: Derek