Pubdate: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 Source: South China Morning Post (Hong Kong) Copyright: 2000 South China Morning Post Publishers Limited. Contact: Author: Associated Press AUTHORITIES EXECUTE 12 FOR DRUG TRAFFICKING Amid a nationwide crackdown on illicit drugs, authorities in several mainland cities have executed 12 people for drug trafficki and murder, state-run media reported on Saturday. Seven people were executed in Beijing on Thursday and Friday following an order by the Supreme People's Court upholding their convictions for trafficking in heroin, the Beijing Daily and other newspapers reported. The executions were announced by Wang Ming, vice president of the court, who said the severe penalties were consistent with international standards for such crimes. Mr Wang said that between January 1999 and May 2000 police had arrested more than 6,000 people for suspected drug offences. Of that number, 945 were given jail sentences or the death penalty, the report quoted him as saying. The reports did not give the method of execution, which in the mainland is usually by gunshot. Meanwhile, three people were executed by gunshot on Friday for drug trafficking in the southern city of Guangzhou, the local newspaper Yangcheng Evening News reported. They were among a seven-person gang caught trying to smuggle overseasreported. They were among a seven-person gang caught trying to smuggle overseas heroin produced at underground factories in Guangdong, it said. In Dongguan, another Guangdong city, two men were executed by gunshot on Friday for murdering two Taiwanese businessmen, the state-run newspaper Guangming Daily reported. It said the two men attacked the Taiwanese brothers on April 28, bashing their heads with steel pipes and stealing 2,000 yuan (HK$1,795) in cash. - --- MAP posted-by: greg