Pubdate: Mon, 26 Jun 2000
Source: Age, The (Australia)
Copyright: 2000 David Syme & Co Ltd
Contact:  250 Spencer Street, Melbourne, 3000, Australia
Author: John Schauble, Beijing


China has gone on a campaign of executions of drug traffickers over the 
past week, putting at least 38 convicted drug dealers to death.

The executions are part of a nationwide crackdown on drugs. The state media 
reported at the weekend that seven drug traffickers were executed in 
Beijing on Thursday and Friday.

State media also reported that 6600 people have been arrested in Beijing 
between January 1999 and May this year on drug-related charges. During the 
same period, 949 people were convicted in the capital on drug trafficking 
or possession charges. Of these, 86 were given death sentences.

Any one convicted of trafficking 50 grams or more of heroin in China faces 
the death penalty.

The recent flurry of executions - China put to death at least 1077 last 
year according to human rights group Amnesty International - reflects 
growing concern in China at the rising trade and abuse of narcotics. It 
also follows a visit to China last week by the director of the US Office of 
National Drug Control Policy, General Barry McCaffrey.
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart