Pubdate: Tue, 27 Jun 2000
Source: Post-Courier (New Guinea)
Copyright: 2000, Post-Courier
Contact:  P.O. Box 85, Port Moresby, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea
Fax: (675) 320 1781


CONSUMPTION of drugs like alcohol, marijuana, cigarettes and betelnut
can result in severe strokes and heart attacks.

This was the message delivered to students of Port Moresby Grammar by
Bilei Dinger, a liaison officer from the National Narcotics Bureau.

He said any of the drugs could damage the brain, liver, heart and the
reproductive system.

He told the students "when we are young, we tend to not realise the
abuse of our bodies when consuming these drugs. Smoking of cigarettes
and the consumption of alcohol were the major problems and now the use
of marijuana has become a problem too''.

Grammar principal Don Daniels said many principals denied there were
problems of drug use in schools and his school was trying to be open
about it so the problem, no matter how big or small, could be addressed.
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