Pubdate: Tue, 27 Jun 2000
Source: Post-Courier (New Guinea)
Copyright: 2000, Post-Courier
Contact:  P.O. Box 85, Port Moresby, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea
Fax: (675) 320 1781


PNG serves a large domestic and international market with locally
cultivated marijuana which fetches a lucrative K300 a kilogram, a
senior Government Minister has said.

Police Minister Mathias Karani claimed that the booming business had
lured many coffee, tea and vegetable farmers into cultivating marijuana.

"PNG is known internationally for growing and producing very high
quality marijuana or spak brus, commonly known as Niugini Gold, which
has a potency far above marijuana grown in many other countries," he

"Drug trafficking is being heavily conducted particularly in Western
and West Sepik provinces who share common borders with Australia and

He said these were changing hands for high powered guns and ammunition
for use in tribal warfare in the Highlands region.

The minister made the remarks yesterday to mark the occasion of the
International Day Against Ilicit Drug Trafficking.

The National Narcotics Bureau and schools in Port Moresby observed the
day with the highlight being the launch of a "Music Against Drugs"
campaign by Rising Star Studios.

The company has agreed to carry the slogan "turn on music, turn off
drugs" on all cassette covers it produces as its contribution to the
awareness campaigns.

Mr Karani noted that while the cultivation and distribution of
marijuana had been predominantly in the Highlands region, there had
been an increase in production in Tapini in the Central Province.

"Marijuana is now conveyed by air, land and sea to all major coastal
centres around PNG. Cannabis from the Highlands region is conveyed to
the international ports of Wewak and Madang, and on land to the south
through Gulf Province and more recently through the Western Province."

He said marijuana from the Highlands was also shipped from Lae to
other destinations such as Milne Bay and Port Moresby and to the New
Guinea Islands.

According to Mr Karani a recent international operation which resulted
in the seizure of cannabis in a container in North Queensland
confirmed that Lae was being used as a point for shipment.

The minister said there was evidence to show that stronger drugs such
as heroin, amphetamine and cocaine were being brought into PNG through
Asia and Australia.

He said youths were prime targets for drug pushers and called for a
concerted effort from the Government, communities and families to rid
the country of drugs and create a safe environment for the children.

Meanwhile, National Narcotics Control Board chairman Sam Bonner noted
that "despite the seriousness and urgency of the drug related problems
in the country, the bureau was working at a snail's pace''.

He attributed this to acute staff shortage, lack of professional
manpower, lack of funding and limited financial support from the Government.

Mr Bonner urged Mr Karani to push for the proposed Substances Bill to
be passed in Parliament this year.

This Bill would adequately incorporate all drug laws under one Act,
enabling the bureau and other law enforcing agencies to co-ordinate
drug abuse and illicit trafficking activities.
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MAP posted-by: Derek