Pubdate: Wed, 28 Jun 2000
Source: Northwest Florida Daily News (FL)
Copyright: 2000 Northwest Florida Daily News
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Somebody should tell Republicans in Congress that the Constitution puts
them, not President Clinton, in charge of spending taxpayers' money.

Last Monday, the Republican-run House voted against a monetary flimflam
that let other agencies slip $12 million to the Justice Department to fund
lawsuits against tobacco companies. But on Thursday, the House reversed
itself and OK'd the shift in funds.

Where in the Constitution is such a lawsuit allowed, especially against a
legal industry selling a legal product?

In an even nuttier vote, on Thursday the GOP-run Senate passed legislation,
which the House passed earlier and which was sought by President Clinton,
sending $1.3 billion in military aid to the government of Colombia,
supposedly to fight drug-running guerrillas. But the country already is so
awash in drugs and weapons that the main result will be a lot more dead
people in a country long torn by civil strife.
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MAP posted-by: Eric Ernst