Pubdate: Fri, 30 Jun 2000
Source: Evening Courier (UK)
Copyright: 2000 The Halifax Courier Ltd.
Contact:  Mailbag, PO Box 19, Halifax, West Yorkshire HX1 2SF, England
Fax: +44-(0)1422-260341
Author: Philip Solan


AS A parent and reader of the "Evening Courier" I wish to complain about 
your recent misleading article ("Cannabis calmed fans", June 14).

I think you have a responsibility to ensure that all articles are properly 
balanced and do not give the wrong impression; after all your circulation 
does include a cross-section of the community, including many young people 
who may well be currently undertaking examinations.

I found the article to be one sided, actually promoting cannabis as a ways 
and means of successfully calming football fans, and suggesting that 
legalised use of cannabis was a benefit.

It also made comparisons with alcohol, a classic way of putting forward 
soft drugs as being "OK, man".

It did not mention the unknown health hazards that cannabis users are 
submitting themselves to.  Many users are seriously debilitated for the 
rest of their lives.

Nor did it mention the drug dependency that can be created and how it leads 
to harder drugs, or the cost implications that the drug dependency can have.

Your article suggested that authorities in charge of crowd control at the 
next football match would have a problem because they have superior drug laws.

So come on, Editor, take the bull by the horns and stop printing pro-drug 
legislation in the "Courier" without its harmful effects being included as 

Philip Solan, St Ives Gardens, Skircoat, Green Halifax
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