Pubdate: Mon, 03 Jul 2000
Source: Star (Malaysia)
Copyright: 2000 Star Publications (Malaysia) Bhd.
Contact:  13 Jalan 13/6, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Author: Zarinah Daud


KEPALA BATAS: Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi yesterday urged community and
religious leaders to make a concerted effort to combat the drug menace.

The Deputy Prime Minister said these local leaders should work closely with
the Government in fighting drug addiction and they could start their own
programmes in their respective villages.

"Mosque officials can include the subject in their sermons while village
security and development committees can work with the respective
parent-teacher associations to disseminate information on the dangers of
drug abuse to students,'' he said when launching the New Millennium Venture
programme in Penaga here yesterday.

The programme, organised by the National Narcotics Agency, is aimed at
promoting awareness among students to fight drug addiction.

Abdullah said drug addiction could lead to related problems like criminal
activities and the spread of AIDS.

Parents, he added, should check their children's activities and whereabouts
to deter them from involvement in drugs.

"It's also important for parents and teachers to know whether their children
and students are hooked on drugs based on symptoms like strange behaviour.

"Drug addiction among children will affect the country in the long run
because we will lose out in terms of human resources, which will affect our
productivity and development,'' he said.

Agency director-general Datuk Salleh Mat Som said 80% of drug addicts were
between 13 and 40 years old.

He noted that there was a lack of participation among local leaders in
helping youngsters stay on the right track.

"Society only knows how to blame the authorities but is reluctant to
co-operate when needed,'' he added.

Northern Seberang Prai has the highest number of drug addicts in the state
with 707 new and 1,134 relapsed cases.
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