Pubdate: Sat, 01 Jul 2000
Source: (US Web)
Copyright: 2000


STRATFORD, Conn., July 1 - Sikorsky Aircraft is poised to receive an
order for 18 helicopters the federal government says are needed to
fight Colombia's drug war.

The $234 million for 18 Black Hawks was included in emergency
legislation that got final approval from the U.S. Senate Friday.
President Clinton is expected to sign the bill. The House had approved
the $11.2 billion measure Thursday, providing $1.3 billion to help the
Colombian police battle drug trafficking and billions more for
emergency aid for peacekeeping in Kosovo, flood and fire disaster
assistance, and some other Pentagon programs.

"I'm pleased the conference report moved quickly through both
chambers," said Rep. Rosa DeLauro D-New Haven. "It is obvious that the
conferees recognized the importance of the Black Hawks capabilities,
which are uniquely qualified to aid the Colombian military in their
efforts to combat the drug war."

The Black Hawks were requested by the Pentagon and Colombian
government to do drug surveillance and move police in and out of the
difficult terrain. "Colombia is a very good customer of ours and they
obviously recognize the value and the utility of the Black Hawks,"
said Ed Steadham, a spokesman for the Stratford-based Sikorsky. "We
believe that Colombia and our supporters in Congress were able to make
the case for using the Black Hawk."

Although Connecticut officials were pleased with the helicopter buy,
it was substantially less than they originally had in the bill. The
House measure included funding for 30 Black Hawks, and the
administration was in favor of the larger number. But Senate leaders
stripped the funding from their bill, and instead directed Colombia to
buy Huey Helicopters. The change forced Connecticut lawmakers and
lobbyists to struggle to restore the money during negotiations between
the House and Senate versions.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens