Pubdate: Tue, 04 Jul 2000
Source: National, The (New Guinea)
Copyright: 2000, The National
Contact:  PO Box 6817, Boroko, NCD, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Author: The Cat


THE illegal drug scandal (The National, June 29) is a serious
allegation and warrants some form of explanations from the Police
Minister, Health Minister and director general of the National
Narcotics Bureau). What astounds me most is that three days earlier,
on June 26, Police Minister Mathias Karani stressed the measures his
ministry is taking to tackle the problem of drug abuse and trafficking
of illegal drugs during the launching of the International Day against
Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking.

Yet he has authorised the shipment of chemicals which PNG does not
need and which may be used in the manufacture of the illegal drug
methamphetamine or "ice".

The government must be seen to be transparent and tell the truth to
the people who are concerned about the ever increasing problems of
drugs on the youth of this country.

Drug abuse and trafficking is fast becoming a social and economical
problem in PNG.

Hearing the Police Minister and various speakers on June 26 talk about
the government's position on such menace was quite a relief, but
reading about him authorities such large shipments of pseudoephedrine
and ephedrine poses a lot of questions which the Minister and the NNB
must answer.

What's more, the company that has placed the order for these chemicals
does not seem to have a permanent presence and was only set up in
November last year.

We want the truth, please.

The Cat,
Port Moresby
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MAP posted-by: greg