Pubdate: Mon, 03 Jul 2000 Source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer (WA) Copyright: 2000 Seattle Post-Intelligencer Contact: P.O. Box 1909, Seattle, WA 98111-1909 Website: Author: David Arntuffus NABISCO CAN NOW FATTEN NICOTINE-ADDICTED CONSUMER CALVES The continuing failure of America's war on drugs dominated page one of Monday's P-I when it was announced that a consortium of "drug" dealers had compiled enough money ($14.9 billion) to purchase Nabisco Holdings ("Tobacco company snaps up Nabisco"). With greater control of the processed-foods market worldwide, the drug lords at Philip Morris will be able to prolong the fattening of their nicotine-addicted calves, thereby boosting their long-term profits at both ends of the deal. No wonder none of the tobacco execs even broke a sweat while lying before Congress a few years back. Though their "drug of choice" will kill more children than the rest combined, Philip Morris chairman Geoffrey Bible and his ilk know that in this self-righteous jihad, they've been given diplomatic immunity. C'mon kids, don't be cynical. Just say no. David Arntuffus, Seattle - --- MAP posted-by: Derek