Pubdate: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 Source: Irish Times, The (Ireland) Copyright: 2000 The Irish Times Contact: 11-15 D'Olier St, Dublin 2, Ireland Fax: + 353 1 671 9407 Website: Author: Joe Humphreys YOUTH COUNCIL CONDEMNS `SCARE TACTICS' ON DRUGS The use of "scare tactics" in public information campaigns on drugs is ineffective and possibly counter-productive, the National Youth Council of Ireland has said. In a submission to the National Drugs Strategy review committee, the youth organisation said such tactics did not "respect their target audience and have been shown to be at such variance to young people's own knowledge and experience as to render them useless". The group made a number of other recommendations for consideration in the drafting of the next Government drugs strategy. It stressed, in particular, the need for a huge increase in resources, and for an expansion of the current strategy which was confined to 13 areas, mainly in Dublin and Cork, where local drugs task forces had been set up. "The drugs problem is a rural as well as an urban one," said the NYCI. Among the group's other recommendations were: * the establishment of a national co-ordinating and support unit which would assist organisations working to tackle drug-related problems in their communities; * adequate resourcing for youth organisations so that alternatives could be provided to the drugs culture; * expanded training for youth workers in dealing with drugs misuse; * the extension of the social, personal and health education programme to all post-primary schools; * a major investment in treatment and rehabilitation services for young drug users. The submission is one of more than 100 made by interested parties to the Government since the strategy review was launched earlier this year. The new Government strategy is due to be published before the end of the year. - --- MAP posted-by: Doc-Hawk